hello delegates!
Hope you are safe and doing well. Our world as of now is flooded with problems of various kinds. What we need right now are not people who sit back at their homes and comment on how the world should have been, rather we need to be those who get into the field and change the world into that place they love to live in.
This is the sole reason behind the creation of Model United Nations. It serves as an amazing platform for those who wish to see a change in this world. Decision making skill is one such skill, which is not a cakewalk for most of the people, MUN supports in inculcating major life skills to the stakeholders.
My journey in Model United Nations began when I was in grade 9. I posed as the delegate of Congo in the World Health Organisation (WHO). I neither won any awards nor participated much that year, however it surely did give me a ray of hope and confidence that I could nail it.
With this same hope and confidence I participated next year as well as the delegate of Australia in United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and managed to win the Best Delegate award which lead my way into the becoming the Assistant Director of International Olympic Committee(IOC). Today I am here as your Director, Harini Alamelu of class XII D.
I am very happy to be your director and looking forward in having a great session with you. I hope to make your MUN experience as memorable, exciting and informative as possible.
Hello Delegates !
A hearty welcome to the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund. I, Adhindra.V.S will be your Asst. Director for this year. I have been to three MUNs prior to this and trust me it was like a roller coaster ride. I was part of the ECOFIN twice and DISEC once and won the distinguished delegate as the delegate of China in ECOFIN last year.
I was the delegate of Italy in the first MUN. I did not participate much. When I was in DISEC, I got the country of Bhutan and the topic I received an intriguing topic and my research were just 2 words “No developments” but during the crisis ,I went on full throttle and bombarded the US delegate. Then last year I was the delegate of China and to be honest I was very happy. This was my best year in all my MUN conferences. And today, I stand as your Assistant Director.
I am indeed looking forward to having a great session with you all and I will be there with you to guide you throughout this journey.
Happy MUNing!
Assistant Director, UNICEF