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Being prepared for a Model United Nations conference directly affects how enriching your experience will be. Be it your first MUN conference, or you're just looking to kick- start the preparatory process, here are some great reference material that you can use without hesitation. Like any activity or sport, MUN takes practice and skill. We hope that you will have the opportunity to improve your MUN skills both before and during your committee at ISMMUN 2019.

If this is your first conference, not to worry! Many of our delegates are first timers to MUN and this web page and your committee's background guide - which can be found on your committee’s web page - are your first resources to build the skills necessary to prepare and debate effectively.

During committee, your committee director is trained to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to ask any of the committee Dais members or Secretariat about any questions about procedure, your topic area or MUN in general.


NOTE: This year's committee Background Guides can be found in the "how to prepare" section of the respective committees.




Whether you're a first-timer or an experienced delegate, being thorough with the rules of procedure will give you major advantage at any Model United Nations conference. The following is the ROP for ISMMUN 2019 and it is applicable to all committees (except ICJ - more on the committee's webpage).


We highly suggest that delegates go through the ROP before researching on their topics because for all you know, this could make or break your committee session.



Sample Draft Resolution


The end goal of every MUN conference is to come up with a resolution that benefits not one but most if not all countries present in a committee. Therefore, it is imperative that a delegate understands the power of making a Resolution. Given below is a sample draft resolution that illustrates the ideal format of such a document.

Sample Position Papers


The Position paper is a crucial document to possess during any MUN conference. A position paper acts as an interface of communication between you and the Dais. The position paper must detail the views of the delegate’s country on the topic, steps that the country has taken to resolve it, and possible future steps that the country would recommend to the committee. Given below is a sample position paper illustrating the ideal format of such a document.


NOTE: Last date of submission for position paper is 18th august by 6pm(GMT+4). 


To UNHRC on Women's Rights

To UNIDO on Water Scarcity

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