What is a Directive?
MUN Crisis Directives are written requests which are sent to, read by, approved or denied by the Dais and follow a specific format. They are formal actions taken by the entire committee, which must first be voted upon. Directives are your main tool to influence the crisis and lead the committee to a solution. They can be sent to the Dais in the form of a PDF or word document. To have the best chance of getting your directives accepted by the backroom they need to be clear, concise and well written. Whether you want to contact a character in another cabinet, move your troops, establish spy networks, hire bodyguards or assassinate a member of your cabinet, you have to do it through directives. No request, or instruction, sent in a directive becomes “true” unless either the Dais approves it or you see the outcome of your directive in the upcoming crisis updates.
A directive should answer the following questions:
1. Who are you writing for?
2. What do you want to accomplish?
3. When do you want it accomplished?
4. Where do you want it to happen (if applicable)?
5. Why do you want to do this?
6. How do you intend to accomplish it?
Rules for good Directives
Provide Clear Instructions
Be Concise and to the Point
Create Your Plan Step-by-Step
Try to address one Issue Per Directive
Use Exact Numbers; be precise
Types of Directives
Personal Directive
Joint Directive
Committee Directive
Personal Directive
Writing directive with using your personal powers that may be used for benefits of the committee or individual aims. Personal directives can be confidential or public. A confidential directive will not be disclosed to the committee if passed whereas a public directive will be. The delegate has to mention while writing the directive if it is public or covert. Follow the format of the sample directive.
Joint Directive
Joint Directives are written by two or more delegates together after reaching consensus amongst themselves. They are submitted on behalf of a few characters. Usually written by only one delegate, joint directives are used to pool resources or are sent by characters with joint responsibilities. However, joint directives can also be sent by characters in different blocs if they have a reason to be working together (for example one character is looking to jump ship to another bloc or they have a third party they are trying to impact). Follow the format of the sample directives attached below. Joint Directive can also be public or covert.
NOTE: The Directives written by an entire bloc (Police/Heisters) comes under Joint Directives. Before submitting the directive, it is important to note that every character who is a part of that bloc should be mentioned in the document and the directive must be voted upon.
Committee Directives
Committee directives are usually written by one or few characters but must be approved by the entire committee. They often encompass the resources of multiple delegates or of the state. Committee directives are written in the interest of the entire committee. NOTE: Delegates may use the Committee Directive format while writing a directive for the entire bloc but keep in mind to mention it as a joint directive and not as a committee directive as the bloc comprises only half the committee.
For further reference: